Name : Ova Dwi Gunawan Class : 1EA23
Npm : 15216700 Date
: 15 March 2017
A. The Simple Present Tense (S+V1+O)
1. Tini goes to school by bus.
=> Tini pergi ke sekolah dengan bus.
=> Tini pergi ke sekolah dengan bus.
2. Melia eats rice every morning.
=> Melia makan nasi setiap pagi.
=> Melia makan nasi setiap pagi.
3. He live in Bandung.
=> Dia tinggal di Bandung.
=> Dia tinggal di Bandung.
4. They learn English together.
=> Mereka belajar bahasa Inggris bersama.
=> Mereka belajar bahasa Inggris bersama.
5. He gets money easily.
=> Dia mendapatkan uang dengan mudah.
=> Dia mendapatkan uang dengan mudah.
6. Tini does not go to school by bus.
=> Tini tidak berangkat sekolah menggunakan bus.
=> Tini tidak berangkat sekolah menggunakan bus.
7. Melia does not eat rice every morning.
=> Melia tidak makan nasi setiap pagi.
=> Melia tidak makan nasi setiap pagi.
8. He does not live in Bandung.
=> Dia tidak tinggal di Bandung.
=> Dia tidak tinggal di Bandung.
9. They do not learn English together.
=> Mereka tidak belajar bahasa Inggris bersama.
=> Mereka tidak belajar bahasa Inggris bersama.
10. He does not get money easily.
=> Dia tidak mendapatkan uang dengan mudah.
=> Dia tidak mendapatkan uang dengan mudah.
The Present Continous Tense
Amira is going to the school by bus
(Amira sedang pergi ke sekolah dengan bus)
Luna and Ron are loving to read book.
(Luna dan Ron sedang menyukai membaca buku)
We are keeping running far away.
(kami sedang kabur)
She is bringing many books.
(dia sedang membawa banyak buku)
I am eating sandwich now.
(saya sedang makan sandwich sekarang)
You are not listening to me, so that why
you don’t understand to what I am talking about. (Kamu tidak mendengarkan aku,
itulah mengapa kamu tidak paham apa yang aku bicarakan).
Tell me that you are not lying to me, I
know whom you are with now?
(Katakan kalau kamu tidak sedang berbohong padaku, aku tahu kamu sedang
bersama siapa)
I am not going any where. I am in home
(aku tidak lagi kemana-mana, aku lagi di rumah sekarang)
The class is not studying now, because
the teacher is sick.
(Kelas sedang kosong, karena gurunya sakit)
10. Don’t you see my tears, I am not
laughing, I am crying
(tidakkah kamu lihat air mataku, aku
tidak sedang tertawa, aku sedang menangis).
C. The Present Perfect Tense (S+Have/Has+V3+O)
I have read the novel.
(Saya sudah membaca novel itu.)
He has called you two times.
(Dia sudah memanggilmu dua kali.)
The students have finished their examination.
(Para siswa sudah menyelesaikan ujian
Being rich, she has changed a lot now.
(Menjadi kaya, dia sudah banyak berubah.)
I have visited my parents to see their condition.
(Saya sudah mengunjungi orangtua saya
untuk melihat keadaan mereka.)
6. The
mechanic has not fixed my car, so we can’t go to the beach.
(Mekaniknya belum memperbaiki mobil saya,
jadi kita tidak bisa pergi ke pantai.)
7. He has not told me anything about the accident.
(Dia belum menceritakan kepadaku tentang
kecelakaan itu.)
8. She has not found any job yet.
(Dia belum menemukan pekerjaan.)
9. Rina has not read my message.
(Rina belum membaca pesan dari saya.)
10. I have not solved my problem with my brother yet.
(Saya belum menyelesaiakan masalah saya
dengan kakak saya.)
D. The Present Perfect Continous Tense
Luna and Ron have been loving to read book.
She has been bringing many books so she feels heavy now.
I have been eating Sandwich.
They have been repairing those computers since a hour ago.
Mother has been cooking the food
To read book has not been being lovedby Luna and
Many books have not been being broughtby her.
Sandwich has not been being eaten by me.
Those computers have not been being repaired when
I come.
The food has not been being cookedby mother for her husband.
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